Thursday, September 16, 2010

Granny Square

Something special can be said in regards to the sentimental value and quality of a hand-stitched blanket. Each stitch, carefully crafted from one continuous strand of yarn, builds layer upon layer, row after row into something so complex in design, yet simple and elegant in  it’s beauty. The rich colors of the yarn combine, blending seamlessly from one to the next, creating a mosaic, a story of the crafter’s journey from the first set of chain stitches to the final slip stitch; The culmination of the hard work and time spent. The unrivaled attention to detail.

Each row must be inspected after completion for imperfections. Subtle differences in the size of the stitch or varying tensions in the yarn must be corrected. The careless mistakes of an amateur never go unnoticed by the eyes of a seasoned seamstress for it is she who knows that the integrity of the whole depends on the weakest stitch. Imperfections like these are best discovered early, or better yet, avoided altogether.

The warmth and comfort of the blanket go far beyond the physical trapping and preserving of heat. The underside of an afghan is a cloak to the memories of children, adults, new couples, old couples, all tucking away these precious memories until the next cold winter day when they can crawl beneath the safety and warmth of the blanket’s soft and heavy armor. A young child may remember watching Grandma’s hands work quickly, yet carefully, flowing gracefully with caring, gentle fingers. Two young lover’s may remember a first kiss, soft spoken promises, or the glowing warmth of one another’s cheek. While memories, old and new, dance about in the shaded warmth, the crafter never forgets the warmth and comfort of giving to the one he or she loves.

A steady hand with a soft grip weaves and loops, hooks and pulls the twisted thread with the curved head of a warm aluminium crochet hook. Each pull, a smooth and continuous draw of yarn from skein to stitch, aids in the unique bond between the crafter and his or her craft. Every stitch, every row, every square, every completed masterpiece is the noteworthy artwork of time, patience and skill acquired only by the wisdom of experience. The calm, collected demeanor of someone learned in the art of crochet is merely a facade which, as with the facade of the singer, dancer and acrobat, stands guard to extreme focus and determination through to the end of one project and to the beginning of another; A circle of creation and giving.

A box, wrapped cleanly with crisp, gleaming paper rests in careful, gentle hands. Around the box, a bow, neatly cut and tied, holds tightly to it’s sides. The box holds a blanket crocheted from nothing more than colored yarn, neatly folded with corners matching, each straight edge lining the inside of the box perfectly. As the lid lifts away from the box, the warm and comforting colors personify the newborn blanket into something with character and personality. The hands of the crafter carefully pass the box onto the next set of hands. The crafter, smiling, reluctantly whispers “fair well” as the new hands welcome the beautiful creation into a new home.

On cold and windy evenings, high spirits stay shielded from the harsh weather. The intricate design of chain loops and alternating patterns shimmers tremulously by the light of the crackling fire. Something special can, indeed, be said in regards to the sentimental value and quality of a hand-stitched blanket. From creator to consumer, this icon of tradition and practicality warms and comforts the mind, the body, and the soul.

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